Copy & Paste
Copy and paste?? What do I need?? Well a bottle of Elmer's Glue to start.......
NO NO NO NO ... *grin* Don't be dribbling that glue on your keyboard *L*
Copy and paste is fairly easy
1. First place your cursor on the beginning of the words that you want to
2. Then click your mouse button and hold it down and drag it to the very
last word that you want to copy. You will notice that it turns blue (or maybe
a shade of gray) *whatever* When you reach the last word let your mouse button up
and see that all the words remain *highlighted*
3. Now on your keyboard hit your "Ctrl" button and while holding it
down hit your "C" button.
4. You have just copied all the words that you wanted and have placed them
in your computer's memory. Now you can go to your page where you want to place
what you have copied, whether it be you homepage, your notepad, or even a url that you
want to post in a chat room.
5. Once you have arrived at the place you want to paste the words you copied, place
your cursor in the exact spot you want it to appear. Click your mouse button on that location
so you see the cursor there.
6. Then and only then..... hold down your "Ctrl" button again and hit your "V" button.
WOW.... there it is... pasted right in where you wanted it... Now wasn't that easy??? :)
Okay.. don't even ask me why you hit a "C" to Copy and then a "V" to paste instead of "P" ....
I'm not a cyber god... I don't know.. *laugh* but maybe it means "Voila" ..... yeah... that must be
it. :) :) :)
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