The following are the codes you need to make a custom page. Of course you replace
the urls with your own.
Beginning a Homepage
All pages start with
and end with
All pages should have a TITLE. Notice way up top in the dark blue area
of your screen... It says Beginning a Homepage. This is done by the above example
of Beginning a Homepage You should always put a title.
It is what people see when they "bookmark" your page.
NEXT: Now you want a background .... well you need a body within your HTML
so it will look like this
this will place the background on your page.
Suppose you don't want a background.... you just want color... okay..
then you write it like this
Ever see a page that starts to load first with a background color and then
a background pops in on top??? Easy as pie... do this
First you will see the pink background as your page loads... then the
blue speckle background will pop in on top of it.
You should take note here that everything you type is really sensitive.
Make one little error and it will throw your whole page into a hizzy fit!
Pay attention to spaces and the little " " marks... they are important.
Now you want some words on your page ....
You have to select a size and a color .. for example at the top of this
page you see...
This was attained by typing the font size and color I chose for the words
like this HTML CODES
I wanted mine centered in the page so I need to add the proper codes to do that
Notice that for every order you give there is a "/" to end it also
When you want to make your words smaller or larger then
you just change
the font size and test it to see what size is best for you.
Have you been wondering how I'm skipping lines?? well placing a
will simply move it to the next line
like this.. and this
But placing 2 or more of them
will make it skip lines.
Now we have to end the document... Remember for every code you
place in your page you need to stop the code when you are done.
We closed the "Title" in the beginning when we were done. Then we closed
"Center". Now it is time to close the "BODY" and end the "HTML".
You do that by putting
So Your codes for setting up a page like this would be: Beginning a Homepage
Now you are ready to make a page...
blah blah blah the rest of your page ....
Hey.... how did I make that bold????? neat.... add this
Your words here blah blah blah