updated 10/10/00
Web Rings??? What are they??? Well Web Rings are one of the best ways I've found to get people to find your pages!!!!! But here's a few facts you need to know. Take note that this is "MY OPINION". Before you join a web ring, ask yourself... Not only am I worthy of this web ring, but is THIS WEB RING WORTHY OF ME!!! I have looked at many rings and I only choose the ones that hopefully aren't going to waste my time. There are many many web rings to choose from.
As We all know .... Yahoo has taken over the Web Ring system. As it is just a baby it takes patience learning the new system and allow them time to iron out the bugs. It is always said that Patience is a Virtue.... sooooo be patient :)
This is the list of web rings I am in. Where appropriate
I have placed the addy of the page you entered from so that you may return there
if you wish. You can also continue on through the ring from here.
you entered here if you came thru the Woman's
Web Ring. Visit my other pages then hit the little *Webrings* button to return
to this page and continue the ring from here. joined December - 97
TaxLady. Want to join the All Things Ferrety? |
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About Ferrets if you came thru the Ferret ring. Joined November - 97
You entered from
About Ferrets if you came thru the Rainbow ring. Added to the ring 01/06/98.
A new ring re-added on 04/12/98.
If you came through the Animal Ring then you entered from
About Ferrets . You may return to there or continue from here. Entered into the
queue on 11/16/98. Accepted into ring on ?
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Win an Award if you came thru the awards ring. Joined December - 97
You entered through the index if you came through the People Ring. Just continue on
through the ring from here. Submitted to the Queue on 01/28/98 Added to the ring on
01/29/98.. *S*
I am the Ring Mistress of this ring. If you'd like to join the ring please
visit Pennsylvania Friends Ring page.
If you came through the graphics ring if you entered from here
Cherdon's Creative Corner You may return there or continue the ring from
here. Submitted to Queue on 06/11/98. Accepted to the ring on 06/12/98. :)
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as of new counter 07/13/00
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